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Name : Romain​

Age : 28​

Localisation : Paris (France)​

Job : Graphic Designer - Artistic Director Freelance​


​I worked on some famous french TV channels as Graphic Designer, and now, I'm  Freelance and make some fanarts about my passions : cinema and collectibles.


I like to show how a figure can be realistic, it's not just toys, it's real art.

So I create some "CGI" effects and try to respect as much as possible the figure and the company who created it.

All this is just for fun, I don't work officialy in one of those company, I just like what they do.


I would like to share with you all those works in HD here, I hope you will like it, and don't hesitate to contact me if you need more informations.


Thanks for reading and have fun !


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Personnal informations 

Diploma : MASTER Artistic Director / BACHELOR Graphic Designer

Skills : Visual Communication, Marketing, Graphic Design

Languages : French, English, Deutch

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